Yoda Tutors App Design

Project Timeline: April to May 2022


➡️   In Bangladesh, for young university students the most viable way of earning comes from tutoring school students.

➡️  The tuition industry is highly dependent on personal references. Since parents cannot verify the tutor's credentials, the personal networks become necessary.

➡️  Many skilled tutors are left without a place to look for possible earning sources. 

➡️  Old school "Tuition Medias" exist where students have to physically go to their offices and hound them repeatedly for jobs. 

➡️  The Yoda platform aimed to remove all the hassle and help the tutors and students find their match easily through online platforms.  

Users Demographics 

➡️  university/college students

➡️  age 18-25

➡️   based in Dhaka & Chittagong

➡️   tech savvy 

Goals of the Design Project

Create an app where:

➡️  tutors can easily get onboarded

➡️  tutors can easily search and apply for jobs

Goal 1: Create a Smooth Onboarding Journey

➡️  onboaring journey will be divided into small steps to get the users to make small investments 

➡️  a initial quick signup will be done to bring in the user to the platform

➡️  tutors will need to complete a profile afterwards to apply for jobs

Goal 2: Help the Tutors to Easily Find & Apply for Jobs

➡️  tutors will be walked through completing their tutor profile 

➡️  the platform will show them tuition posting based on their inputs

➡️  certain tuitions that best match them will be highlighted as "Hot Jobs"


The app once launched, helped connect over 20,000 tutors with parents and students looking for a tutor. 

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